It's World Mental Health Day, and this year it comes at a time when our daily lives have gone through some pretty big changes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The past months have thrown up challenges that we’d never think we’d have to face, lockdown and the months since have had an impact on us all, and as such we believe prioritising mental health has never been more important.
That’s why we wanted to spread a little positive change in amongst all the uncertainty and upheaval, with our hashtag #LoveMyBoody campaign. We wanted to invite you all to invest some time, even just an extra 15 minutes a day, in yourself and your mental health. Doing things that help calm your mind, that bring you a little extra joy, anything really that puts you and your health at the top of the list.
So what is mental health?
Mental health is just like our physical health: everybody has it and we all need to take care of it. It’s all about how we as people, think, feel and behave. Some people like to describe it as emotional health, well-being and being able to cope with everyday stressors, and it’s just as important as good physical health.
Taking care of your mental health
It is important to take care of yourself and to safeguard your mental health. Here are a few ideas to help maintain or improve your mental, emotional and overall well-being.
1. Talking – Talking can be a great way to ease your mind and lighten the load you may be carrying, whether that’s spending time with friends and having a good heart to heart, or talking to a professional.
2. Eating Well – Food is vital for energy and vitality, with our body and brain needing a range of nutrients and vitamins to function at its best. Why not take the time this weekend to cook yourself a slap up nutritious, tasty meal?
3. Getting your sweat on – You’ve heard it before, but physical exercise is a huge factor in positive mental health, it’s all the endorphins! The chemicals released into the brain through exercise can boost self-esteem, aid our ability to get a better night’s sleep, while also giving us a sense of achievement. So, we know that at the start of a workout you might not be feeling it – we’ve been here too, don’t worry – but after, that feeling, it’s worth it, right?!
4. Ask for help – Above all else if you really feeling like you’re struggling, reach out. We’d like to think that we’re superhuman, but we’re not, we only have the ability to take so much. It doesn’t make you weak, or less of a person, in fact it’s incredibly brave. Embracing your vulnerability isn’t easy, defying stigmas even harder, but your health is worth it, you’re worth it.
5. Taking time for yourself – in our busy worlds it can be hard to carve out time just for yourself. But self-care is so important and the real beauty of self-care – that it means different things to everybody. Just as everybody is unique, so is our self-care rituals and practises.
This is where you come in, we would love to hear what you do as part of your self-care routine. We would love you to share your practises with us, using the hashtag #LoveMyBoody – it’s that simple! Just grab your Boody, take some time for yourself and tag us! If you tag us you’ll also be in with a chance to win £50 Boody voucher!
If you do feel like you need extra support and don’t know where to turn, here are a few resources that may help:
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We Are Proud to be a B Corp Certified Business
By: STEPHANIE AUDINO We’re extremely proud and very excited to announce that we’re officially B Corp Certified. In late 2021, we earned our place as part of the global B Corp movement for a more sustainable and inclusive economy. This certification shows we meet the highest standards of social and environmental impact. It has been a journey As a brand built on sustainable values, B Corp has always been a constant reminder to do things differently, with people and the planet equally top of mind. It was in late 2019, during the Covid pandemic and at a time when we all started to reflect a little bit more, that we finally took up the task of auditing and documenting everything we do to apply for B Corp certification. Did we think we were going to debut with an impressive score of 101.6? No way, but wow are we proud. In joining the global B Corp community, we solidify our promise to balance purpose and profit and consistently use our business as a force for good. So, why exactly does this matter and what does it really mean? Keep reading. What is it? B Corp is both a global movement and a framework to formalise using business as a force for good balancing people, planet and profit. Certified B Corporations (B Corps) are part of an initiative from B Lab, a non-profit that serves a global movement. For people who want to shop from businesses they believe in, the B Corp logo has fast become a near-universal signpost. The encircled capital ‘B’ is the mark of a brand that believes that business can be used as a force for good. The B Corp certification is globally recognised - we’re so proud to be on this list. Why a certification? B Corp certification is awarded to businesses that hold themselves genuinely and transparently accountable, and demonstrate excellence in five key pillars - governance, workers' rights, community, environment and customers. It allows those interested businesses to benchmark themselves against the very best ethical and sustainable peers from all around the world. Our score In late 2021, we achieved a first-time score of 101.6. The average B Corp score is 90 while the average score for first-time applicants is 51. The standards The process took us a year and was one that involved a lot of hard work and commitment. In order to achieve certification, we had to Demonstrate high social and environmental performance by achieving a B Impact Assessment score of 80 or above and passing our risk review. Multinational corporations must also meet baseline requirement standards. Make a legal commitment by changing our corporate governance structure to be accountable to all stakeholders, not just shareholders, and achieve benefit corporation status. Exhibit transparency by allowing information about our performance measured against B Lab’s standards to be publicly available on their B Corp profile on B Lab’s website Why does this matter to you? That little encircled 'B' is a way for customers to instantly recognise that the organisations they buy from are working according to an entirely new way of doing business. This accreditation means that you can trust that we meet the highest standards for positive social and environmental impact. A never-ending journey Being B Corp certified isn’t simply a check box for us. It's a journey that's measured every three years which allows us to continuously work towards the highest standards of an independent body. Thanks so much for being part of the journey - this is really as much of your win as it is ours. Shop Boody
4 Ways Music Can Help You Sleep Better
STEPHANIE AUDINO Did you know that sleep is the third pillar of health? Nutrition, exercise and sleep combined are crucial to healthy living. What is also important to note though, is that sleep is often a forgotten aspect of one's health. In the pursuit of eating right, exercising and making time to relax, it is sleep that can often fall to the wayside and not truly considered in your wellness routine. Why is sleep important for health? Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep benefits your mental health, physical health and quality of life and safety. Did you know that while you sleep, your body is working to support your brain function and your physical health. So, what’s the secret to a good night's sleep? Hint: It’ll be music to your ears! Music is a powerful art form and often part of our everyday life. But - what about making it part of your every night? Music can aid sleep by helping you feel relaxed and at ease, allowing you to fall asleep quickly and feel more rested. Tell me more about music therapy! Music therapy is the clinical use of music to evoke visceral responses that help people heal, emotionally and even physically. Music improves sleep through calming parts of the autonomic nervous system, leading to slower breathing, lower heart rate, and reduced blood pressure. 4 ways music can help you sleep better: Music can decrease the time it takes to fall asleep. Playing music before bed can improve sleep efficiency, which means more time that you are in bed is actually spent sleeping. Improved sleep efficiency = a good night's rest and less waking up in the middle of the night. Listening to music releases stress and puts people at ease Physical responses to music are effective in reducing both acute and chronic physical pain. So when you want to quiet your mind and unwind - hit the ‘play’ button for free-flowing instrumental tracks. We guarantee instant Zzz. What’s also the secret to a better sleep? Soft organically-grown bamboo on your skin. Shop Sleepwear.
10 Benefits Of Yoga
By Katya - Lotus Flower Yoga Yoga can provide you with so many benefits physically, mentally, and emotionally. With a regular yoga practice, you won't just start to feel stronger and more flexible, but you may also start to notice that you feel calmer with a sense of an improved overall wellbeing. In this blog post, you will learn 10 amazing benefits of yoga that you will not want to miss out on. REDUCES STRESS A huge benefit of Yoga is that it is known for reducing stress levels. As we perform yoga poses and connect to our breath through Yoga practice, it directly affects the nervous system, moving us out of fight and flight and into rest and digest, which will encourage the body to relax. As the body moves into the relaxation response controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system, many positive things start to happen to the body, such as slowing down the heart rate, increasing the gland function and ultimately encouraging the body and mind to reduce and release stress. IMPROVES BREATHING In a yoga class we work with the body through yoga poses, but we also become more aware of our breathing and perform breathing exercises. Conscious breathing is almost always an essential part of a Yoga practice. Yoga teaches us that our breath is a manifestation of our vital energy and allows us to be in this world. Yoga helps us to understand our breathing and learn about our breath. "Breathing is a direct means of absorbing prana (life force/energy) and the manner in which we breathe sets off pranic vibrations which influence our entire being." swami Muktibodhananda. LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE Studies have shown that those who do Yoga practice three times a week, and include breathing and relaxation, have lower blood pressure! "Researchers analysed data from 49 trials with a total of 3,517 participants who were typically middle-aged, overweight women and men who already had high blood pressure or were close to developing the condition [....] When people with high blood pressure did yoga three times a week in sessions that also included breathing and relaxation exercises; they experienced average decreases of 11 mmHG more than control groups in systolic blood pressure and 6 mmHG more in diastolic blood pressure." IMPROVES FLEXIBILITY In Yoga, you move your body in a range of motion, which helps to increase flexibility. When we move the body into a Yoga asana, the muscles are either contracting (agonist) or releasing and elongating (antagonist). Every Yoga stretch that you do can increase the range of motion within the muscle fibres and allows them to become more flexible over time. IMPROVES STRENGTH Yoga has the benefits of improving our overall strength. Yoga posture work with different muscle groups can strengthen our resilience. Many poses are active, and require our ability to hold them for several breaths. A regular yoga practice will create strength within the core, legs, arms, shoulders, and many other body areas. ENHANCES THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Yoga can help to enhance the immune system. Doing a yoga practice that includes yoga poses, breathing and relaxation will help to move the body out of fight and flight, and into rest and digest, which encourages healing of the body. Stress is known to be one of the culprits of a weakened immune system, so yoga can play a vital role in supporting the immune system and helping overall well-being. "Stress responses increase strain upon the circulatory system due to increased heart rate etc. Stress can also affect the immune system by raising blood pressure." HELPS WITH LYMPHATIC SYSTEM DRAINAGE When performing yoga poses with breathing, we are offering the body a cleaning system, a way to move in order to shift the lymphatic system, especially when we include inverted yoga poses. Yoga can help move the lymphatic system to rid of toxins, and eliminate unwanted waste and stresses within the body. When the body and the mind have the right setting to become clear and vibrant, the immunity will become stronger. IMPROVES CONCENTRATION AND FOCUS All Yoga postures require focus as we move in and out of them, which allows the mind to strengthen its concentration and focus levels not only on the mat, but also when we are off the mat. Yoga begins to train the mind to let go of unwanted thoughts, worries and distractions, encouraging us to be in the present moment, the only moment we truly have! HELPS DIGESTION Many of the beautiful poses performed in Yoga benefit the digestive system due to the gentle internal massaging action. As we move into Yoga postures, we encourage the body to open up on a deeper energetic level, stimulating and bringing balance and harmony into the functioning of the organs, meridians and body as a whole. "According to medical scientists, yoga therapy is successful because of the balance created in the nervous and endocrine system which directly influences all the other systems and organs of the body" Swami Satyananda Saraswati. INCREASES ENERGY AND VITALITY Yoga postures open the body and release any blocked energy that may be stagnant. As you breathe deeply, you draw pure fresh energy/oxygen/prana into the body; into areas of the body that may feel tight or hold tension. The overall effects of a Yoga practice can have different outcomes which are dependent on the class plan. Despite this, your body will receive more energy and vitality, even if you are feeling very relaxed. If you haven’t started a yoga practice yet, I hope that these benefits will encourage you to try yoga. If you already do yoga you may already be familiar with receiving some of these wonderful physical and mental benefits. Yoga really is a journey and we can start that journey exactly where we are. Author: Katya -